
What you’re doing

isn’t working.

This is THE game-changer.

Implementing the Practically Fertile® Methodology

fast-tracks you to the B.F.P. naturally, so you can live

the life that you’ve always wanted.

This is the Practically Fertile® Methodology.

I complete understand…you wanted to be pregnant yesterday!

You’ve done it all.

✓You’ve read all the books, blogs, articles

✓You’ve joined all the right groups, spent countless hours on free seminars

✓You’ve tried every supplement, food, and herb

✓You’ve spent thousands of dollars on OPKs, online programs, coaching, and testing

Can I get a “That’s me?”


I know a lot of you feel like the reason it’s taking foreverrrr to get pregnant is because you’re not doing enough.

As a result, you end up delaying the entire process because you waste time and money on things that are not addressing the root cause of your struggles.


It’s a fertility information jungle out there. It’s hard to know who to listen to or which methods to use because we are all different people…

we’re all unique.

But just imagine for a moment…

how much simpler your life could be...

If you didn't have to take time out of your day and get sucked into a rabbit hole on google, forums and blogs.

If you didn't have to feel overwhelmed sorting through all the information to figure out what applies and what doesn't.

Instead, you knew exactly what to eat, when to eat, how much to exercise, when to time intercourse, and what supplements to take…that are specifically tailored to your situation.

That's what I aim to achieve with my methods. Can I get an “Amen?”


Cavette T. says:

I came across Adrienne’s podcast by happenstance. Little did I know that it would change the trajectory of my journey in TTC.

After listening for a couple of months, I realized I was not properly prepping my body for pregnancy. I was eating poorly and exercising too much among other things. Since I have PCOS, I quickly learned from her that my lifestyle had to change.

Under her guidance, I created a diet and lifestyle plan and stuck to it. after 15 months of TTC, I found out I was pregnant less than 7 weeks later. I was floored!

After thousands of dollars in fertility treatments, gym memberships, shots, pills, ultrasounds, blood work, etc., I can say without a doubt that she made the ultimate difference in my journey."

So here is the story…

Once upon a time, a newly licensed acupuncturist named Adrienne Wei (that’s me) helped a 40-year old woman get pregnant after a month of treatments. Then she repeated her success with another woman who suffered from PCOS who became pregnant after 6 weeks of treatments. 


She decided this was going to be her calling.

Over the next 12 years, she would study with many masters, fertility experts and gradually hone her skills as a fertility acupuncturist.  

And when she finally perfected her methodical approach to systematically address every fertility challenge, 

The Practically Fertile Methodology® was born.

Ok fertile friends...that was a super condensed origin story of the methodology :)

Let’s dive into all the details.

What is it?

There are 3 steps in the Practically Fertile® Methodology:

The meaning of the name “Practically Fertile” is two-fold.

First, I believe that all women are practically fertile, meaning we’re always one step away from getting that Big Fat Positive.  You’re practically there! Secondly, I believe that you don’t need to spend a ton of money on supplements, specialty foods, or make drastic lifestyle changes.  All you need is to make small tweaks and take baby steps every single day. The Practically Fertile® Methodology is an integration of modern functional medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine.  It’s an “east meets west” approach.  It’s also a step-by-step guide to help you discover the true underlying causes that are preventing you from getting pregnant, and create a personalized fertility plan to overcome these challenges.

“You are always one cycle away from getting that Big Fat Positive.”

— Adrienne Wei

Step 1: Reset the Body & Mind


This step is the most important, although many of you will resist the idea because you feel like “resetting” means to “stop trying.”

That is not the case at all.

To build a new house, you need to tear down the old one first and rebuild a solid foundation.


Reset Your Mind

When you’ve been trying-to-conceive with no success and you’re feeling defeated, unmotivated, sad, and depressed - you know - all the yucky feelings, it helps to take a step back and go back to baseline.  

We know that emotional health is every bit as important as all the physical stuff.  What we believe to be true becomes our reality.

It’s time to adopt a new belief system if the negative self-talks are bringing you down.  

Take a step back, rediscover your “why” and learn coping skills to help you through those dark times so that your emotions don’t control you.  

Reset Your Body  

The majority of women take way too many supplements because Dr. Google, a well-meaning blogger or a friend has told them to “try this, maybe it’ll work for you.”

There are many books that tell you to take this, not that, but no one ever gives you specific instructions on EXACTLY what YOU need.  

After a while, you have no clue what’s working, what isn’t working.  Some supplements can even disrupt hormones and all of the sudden, your period starts to act wonky. 

So, the first thing you have to do is go down to the bare minimum of what you need, give your body time to reset.  

And don’t worry, you’ll get to customize your supplement protocol once you’ve discovered the underlying causes and your cycle becomes more fertile.

I have a list of what I call “Everyone supplements” and “Optional supplements” for this step of the Practically Fertile® Methodology.  To get your hands on this list, please go to and sign up for the FREE membership.  Once you become a Fertile Elefant, you’ll get access to this checklist and many more goodies!


Aftan G. Says:

I started Adrienne’s program after my husband and I had been trying to conceive for almost 9 months with no success. I followed her methodology step by step and after about 3 months I noticed a huge change in my bbt charts and overall physical health. I just felt better!

Now after 5 months total, my husband and I are expecting our first baby! Adrienne definitely played a role in our success and I highly recommend this for those trying to conceive.

Step 2 - Achieve a Fertile Cycle


You may already know this, but a regular cycle isn’t always a fertile cycle.  

You need a fertile cycle to get pregnant.  It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to be fertile.  

I’ve created the 10 Parameters of a Fertile Cycle to help you evaluate your cycle.  

A lot of REs or western doctors won’t look at your cycle in detail.  Because as far as they’re concerned, you’re ovulating, you’re having a regular cycle, you should be able to get pregnant.

However, from a Chinese medicine perspective, you can gather lots of information about your fertility through the menstrual cycle.  Factors such as the number of days of the actual period flow, the color of the period flow, the consistency of the period flow, whether or not you experience PMS (which is not normal, btw), whether or not you consistently see egg white cervical mucus (EWCM) every month…

How do you achieve a fertile cycle?

Step 2 is where you will spend the majority of your time and energy.  

There isn’t a magic pill to take for this.  

You can achieve a fertile cycle by first discovering your Chinese medicine patterns which are the true underlying causes.

This is where the Methodology is truly different from others because your fertility plan will be created according to your patterns.

Once you know your patterns, you’ll work towards eating a fertile diet, living a fertile lifestyle, and cultivating a fertile mindset.  

It’s entirely possible that you will become pregnant before you ever achieve the perfect cycle.  Remember what I said about how you never know what small changes will make the biggest impact? 

All you need to do to get pregnant is have a personalized plan, take action every day, and stay consistent.  

The details about the 10 parameters are inside the Fertile Elefants membership site, inside a free course called “The Secret Ingredient to Getting Pregnant” which gives you a crash course on Chinese medicine and what each parameter represents.  There is also a quiz for you to discover your Chinese medicine patterns.

You can sign up and get access at  


Arianna F says:

“Hey Adrienne! Yesterday I got a super faint BFP and today two legit ones. I'm in shock! I'm so happy but also anxious in a way... Thank you for all your help! I really do feel like my digestion, skin and obviously fertility is so much better after all your recommendations. This diet change is going to be a lifestyle change I make for the rest of my life :)”

For more stories like Arianna and other women who have found success, click the button below:

Step 3 - Fine Tune Your Strategy


My recommendation for you is to work on Step 2 for at least 60-days before you start fine tuning.  Hopefully your cycle has become more fertile.

This is where you can incorporate strategies such as charting the BBT (Basal Body Temperature) if you haven’t already.  And for those of you who don’t have regular cycles, you might need to wait until your cycles become more regular. 

You can start looking into various ovulation prediction methods and really nail down that fertile window.  

You can add in additional supplements that make sense depending on your situation.

You can start thinking about the next steps such as bloodwork, ultrasounds, HSGs, and other diagnostics.

The Practically Fertile® Methodology is available to you for free.

Broken up into workshops, courses, templates, and downloads, Two Elefants Digital offers the comprehensive methodology in easily digestible chunks. Learn your Fertility Pattern and embark on your journey towards fertility health.

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This is the framework to get you started…

Got questions?



What happens after giving the Practically Fertile® Methodology 60 days and I’m still not pregnant?

The Practically Fertile® Methodology truly could be the last fertility methodology you ever need because no matter what your situation looks like, as long as you know your patterns, you can create a personalized plan.  

I recommend that you take the Fertile Cycle Quiz and the Chinese medicine quiz every 2-3 months to see if your patterns have changed, what improved, what didn’t.

Using this framework, many women are achieving dramatic results and taking huge strides towards getting that B.F.P., including:

  • Restarting a cycle after 90+ days without one

  • Irregular cycles becoming regular

  • Short luteal phase lengthens to 12+ days

  • Improvement of egg quality leading to increased number of embryos during an IVF cycle

  • Lowered FSH and higher AMH (ovarian reserve)

  • Appearance of EWCM (Egg-white cervical mucus) when there used to be none

  • Pain-free, clot-free periods

  • Reduction in PMS symptoms

  • Better digestion, sleep, able to lose weight

  • Overall sense of happiness, better mindset, and improvement of relationships

  • and of course…getting PREGNANT!

How can I get help from you on implementing the Practically Fertile® Methodology?

Fertile friends, if you’ve followed me for a while, you know my story and my journey to get to where I am now.  

I’m committed to helping you get pregnant more than ever.

There are several ways you can get help on how to implement the Practically Fertile® Methodology.  You can use one or all of them:

  1.  Join the Fertile Elefants membership.  It’s FREE.  Members will get

    •  access to all the free courses, free checklists and PDFs I’ve ever made, plus whatever new ones I release.

    • exclusive discounts to Two Elefants products

    • members-only group coaching calls that we call The Huddle.  This is where you get 1:1 support from me in an intimate setting (we limit each Huddle to 5 participants)

  2. Join our free private Facebook group.  Most of the members are familiar with my podcast, Practically Fertile, and the Practically Fertile® Methodology.  You’ll be able to chat with them, get help, and help others.

  3. Listen to my Podcast, Practically Fertile

  4. Follow me on Instagram @Adrienne.Wei 

So how about it Fertile Friend?  You and me… together we can walk side-by-side and navigate through the difficult times, the happy times and everything in between that come with this thing called TTC.


Join the Practically Fertile Facebook Group

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